Banner Graphic This website is dedicated to Our Lady under Her Titles -
Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano, Italy and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
It is also dedicated to Frank Duff, R.I.P., the Founder of The Legion Of Mary
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Genazzano Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Frank Duff
The Single Most Important Truth
A Book by Eugene Shannon B.A.

This Book expresses Christian Beliefs in the same order
that God brought into being the component parts of
His Plan for a Relationship with Us

"God's Immense Design"

It is structured as a ''Continuous Narrative'' rather than ''Chapters''.
This makes it easy to take a break at any point.

The title of this Short Book is - "The Single Most Important Truth".
The single most important truth for Us Humans is that this life of ours, in this Universe, is a temporary transitional life during which we choose to accept or reject a Relationship with the Divine Trinity as a living and active Sharer in the Divinity of Jesus and that this temporary transitional life has no other purpose.
The Book provides a new way of presenting
Catholic Beliefs; by presenting them in the order that God implemented them.
They make more sense that way.
It is easier to see them for what they are -
a single, consistent and organised System
designed by God.
Since finishing the writing of the Book on 26th April 2012, I have seen two minor visions which I can show are associated with the Book. I believe that they have conferred a special significance to the Book.

These occurred on Saturday 26th April 2014
(The Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel)
and on Saturday 27th June 2015
(The Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour).

(Full details of these two minor visions are given in
Appendix 1 to the Book.)

You can download PDF copies of the Book here. The Free Book Offer has expired.

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Book written by Eugene Shannon B.A., Dublin, Ireland
Home Page My Three
Minor Visions
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