There are a number of books of messages purportedly spoken by Jesus to an American housewife, Rita Ring, entitled
God's Blue Book, Volumes 1 to 7. Whatever you are inclined to believe about the veracity of such purported messages generally, or about the credibility of Rita Ring specifically, if you read even one of these books you will find the content persuasive and credible. You will become conscious of yourself having a better and
more personable feeling about God's Relationship with you
after reading even just one of them.
I would Strongly Recommend Volume 1 which you can download below.
"You have the seeds. I provide water and sunlight."
"Your heart is My instrument to reach your brothers."
Download Links -
File Size = 697KB (354 Pages)
File Size = 655KB (122 Pages)
The other God's Blue Books are available for downloading free on the website of "The Shepherds of Christ Ministeries" - In addition to the God's Blue Books,
that website also makes available a lot of other very edifying reading material.
( Actual Books can be purchased from them on-line at reasonable cost ).